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HD Designer Brows

Designer Brows

Moore than eyebrow threading or waxing

There are many who offer eyebrow waxing, eyebrow threading or eyebrow shaping services. But there is a big difference between getting your brows done and experiencing a Moore Beautiful Designer Brow.

Most of our clients come to us after experiencing a terrible eyebrow job‚ at a mainstream salon or even a hairdresser you know that quickie over the basin?

If you want to look your absolute best, you’ll want to make sure you’re working with an eyebrow artist who understands brow design and how it interacts with your facial features in order to draw out your natural beauty instead of exaggerating any undesirable features.

If you are obsessive about eyebrows or just looking for a new look, you have found your eyebrow specialist.

  • Designer Brows are completely mapped and measured to your face shape with lasting tint to help with depth and to fill in gaps.
  • Your stylist will work with you to re-grow any areas.
  • Properly waxed brows can highlight the eyes as a gorgeous focal point.

The Designer Brow treatment takes 30mins, the result lasts for about four to six weeks.

A true eyebrow makeover begins with an analysis of the shape of your face. Everyone is unique. Your bone structure is different from anyone else. A brow design that looks terrific on one person and brings out her natural beauty may look terrible on another.  The Moore Beautiful Brow Artist will start with a client consultation asking for your vision and giving our professional recommendations.

Next step is shaping the eyebrows by tweezing, plucking and waxing. After that your Brow Artist blends together a special mix of tint,  and choose the perfect color tone for the particular client.  Don’t hide your eyebrows and lashes away. A quick tint does wonders for adding impact to these all important features and lasts for up to 6 weeks.

  • For the first 24-48hrs ideally keep your brows DRY! Avoid any water, sweating, steam, swimming.
  • Avoid the use of any cleansers, exfoliants, AHA’s and retinols directly over your brows this includes skin peels etc.

The Longer you do not touch then with ANYTHING the longer they’ll last.

  • Keep your skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water
  • If the Tint is too dark DO NOT attempt to scrub it off it will become patchy, let us know and we can tone it down.
  • Rebook your brows ever 4-5 weeks


Designer Brows – 30 mins____________74

Creates well-groomed, high definition eyebrows. Unlike our Brow Tidy treatments that is a quick wax, our Designer Brows are completely mapped and measured to your face shape with lasting tint to help with depth and to fill in gaps. Even if you have sparse areas in your brows, hope is not completely lost! Your stylist will work with you to re-grow any areas. We believe strongly in MORE not less 😉

Designer Brows is a high-end brow treatment designed exclusively for you. Complete re shaping of eyebrows, includes all waxing, tweezing, trimming and tinting.
